Refined Donor Predictive Model generates higher response rates and donation values
The Objective
To reach New and Existing Donors, boost overall Response Rate and deliver ROMI performance

The Campaign
Our proprietary ‘Charity Donor Predictive Model’ generates the best Response Rate and ROMI by identifying households with the highest propensity to donate using a combination of historical response data and regional performance insight, overlaid to Experian’s Mosaic
The Envelope Doordrop creative allowed for friendly, simple and informative messaging around the need for support and research.
The creative led with a Cash Ask (£25, £50, £100, other) and a Regular Giving Ask appealed for a monthly donation of £5.
The Results
Refined Donor Predictive Model proved predictive, outperforming previous campaign results and delivering strong response and donation value across all regions, including London.
The campaign generated:
Response Rate: 0.15 %
Total donations : 517
ROMI: £1.37
Early analysis indicates doordrop engages new donors who have a longer life time value compared to other acquisition channels
Following the continued success of this channel, Alzheimer’s Society have increased volumes in Q4 2015 and plan significant investment across 2016
Google Trends analytics shows the number of web searches for ‘Alzheimer's’ peak across the campaign period, supporting how Intelligent Doordrop can impact online search