Condé Nast is the leading Italian company for high-end editorial products. Research for the best quality standard, propensity for continuious innovation and strict code of ethics have made Condè Nast an excellence in Italy and across the globe. Vogue Italia is representative of one of the most famous worldwide magazine excellence.

The Objective
To promote the knowledge and activation of the digital subscription for the new «Vogue» magazine in September 2017, which has been completely restyled

The Campaign
6,000 magazines were distributed in areas of Milan and Rome with the highest penetration of women with high income, who live in luxury residential areas and within high value properties
Door Drop Distribution of a branded bag with a free copy of «Vogue Luxury Pack» (weight of 1.5 kg)
Activities performed by selected hostesses, with custom clothing and trolley. Dedicated team coordinators. Distribution monitored with «Smart Track» service. Real time route tracking visible on our Web Platform «Copernico»
The Results
Condé Nast appreciated this promotion and registered an uptake on subscriptions.