Royal London: Finding a Warm Welcome for Doordrops.
The Objective
Royal London needed to profitably communicate to their target audience in a simple way to ensure their understanding of a complex financial product. And they needed to be able to operate at scale, with a cost per acquisition challenge. Previous door drop campaigns had run at a very inefficient cost per acquisition and in order to at least breakeven, this needed to reduce by at least 40%.
The Campaign
Propensity modelling successfully identified those most likely to buy, and research helped identify the benefits that were most important to the audience, as well as highlighting language that was confusing and generally inhibited reading and understanding of the information.
The Results
Conversion by Phone more than doubled, Conversion from Enquiry Pack more than trebled.
Sales conversion over the phone went from 11% to 28%.
Sales conversion from an enquiry pack went from 4% to 13%.
Cost per sale reduced by 43%