Suomen Suoramainonta Oy (SSM)
Hankasuontie 3
00390 Helsinki
Jari Mankonen
Managing Director

Suomen Suoramainonta Oy (SSM) is the largest privately owned direct mail agency in Finland. We reach 2.1 million households simultaneously twice a week through our distributional network. We work closely with several local papers, alongside various national and local direct mail advertisers. Our chain employs over 13,000 distributors annually. 

Since 1987, we have been offering distribution services every Wednesday and at weekends. We deliver about a billion papers, adverts, catalogues, official notifications, other printed media as well as product samples.

Suomen Suoramainonta Oy (SSM)

SSM offers a complete service package (Valmissuora). We will take care of planning layout, design and distribution districts alongside logistics, printing, approvals, transport to distribution centres and finally the follow-up analysis.

SSM uses geographic and demographic targeting criteria such as district or postcode, consumer age, income level, lifestyle and household type. By using SSM targeting services, clients will reach their chosen market, which makes their efforts far more effective and cost-efficient.

Via SuoraNet, our Google-map based web service, clients can plan and design the distribution area for their direct marketing campaign in Finland. The website enables them to immediately visualise the number of households and receive a cost estimate for their selection.

Our Services

ssm2.jpgOur direct mail services include distribution of your mailing products both nationally and locally. Product can be anything from ads, catalogues or papers to notifications. We do geo-marketing and are able to target campaign to a certain local area.

  • Door-drop distribution on Wednesdays and during the weekend
  • Targeting services
  • Free newspaper distribution
  • Promotional street marketing and samples
  • Addressed mail campaigns and Direct Mail surveys
  • Complete service Package (Valmissuora)

SSM unaddressed direct mail reaches approximately 4 million consumers every week.